June 24, 2020

HYVE Enjoys Continued Success in Education and Home Market with LF-ONE

HYVE Indoor Farming Systems recently completed its strongest 30-day sales period for its LF-ONE “Little Farm” Hydroponic System designed for home, small business, and education use.

According to LF-ONE Program Manager Alia Clements, “The Covid-19 pandemic has shed light on a myriad of factors for people and has certainly altered the perception of people and their consideration when it comes to thinking about things such as cleanliness and reliability of their food source. The LF-ONE is perfectly designed to allow folks to grow fresh, crisp, tasty, and perhaps most importantly, safe food. We truly believe the pandemic has helped to put an increased focus on sustainability.”

HYVE designs and builds large-scale vertical indoor farming systems utilizing a complete solution that includes everything from one source. The LF-ONE is a much smaller version of the large commercial racking system but employs many of the same concepts that are used on those systems. The large systems are scalable and can provide indoor producers with the ability to literally grow millions of plants per month.

Ken Bryant, Director of Marketing for HYVE believes that the pandemic will expedite the adoption pace for indoor vertical farming on a general scale. “What we see is a definite trend in people who are showing increased interest in vertical indoor farming. We certainly believe this interest has been accelerated by the uncertainty of environmental factors that have manifested themselves as evidenced by the Covid-19 pandemic. People are generally using a lot of their time away from their traditional workplace to explore things such as outdoor gardening and agriculture. For the novice gardener you can see an uptick at places such as garden centers, home improvement outlets who offer plants and tools for outdoor farming, and we have seen some of that uptick spill over into our smaller systems. in terms of interest and purchase. In addition, the genuine interest in our larger systems has also accelerated at a pace that frankly, we are surprised at when we look at the overall economy.”

HYVE systems market their vertical indoor farming solution as being “different” because the company is a one-stop source for the serious indoor commercial grower. The heritage of the brand is based upon a sister brand that started with the research, design, and production of LED grow lighting. While that brand continues in the LED lighting market, HYVE has drawn upon the serious expertise in the lighting realm to separate itself from many players in the growing indoor farming equipment space. HYVE truly offers a one-stop solution that goes from design of complete systems, consulting, manufacture, custom testing for growth of select or unusual plants all the way to assisting would be producers in determining an exceptional return-on-investment.

The brand is located in Central Virginia but is supported throughout Eurasia with some of the leading minds and researchers in the hydroponic indoor farming field.

Clements further adds that “Today’s growing success with the LF-ONE is encouraging because we are seeing repeat buyers – people such as school teachers who want more systems to use for their schools to teach STEM in a whole new way with hands-on learning. We believe in some ways that the pandemic is going to spur on coming generations to look at food and life a lot differently. We’re excited to be a part of what we think will be a positive influence for those people and for our world going forward.”